Friday, November 7, 2014

Pizza Party

Biggest dorks with the biggest pizza box
If there's one thing I love more than literally everything else in existence - it's pizza. Whether you're in a good or bad mood, alone or with others - there is never a bad time for pizza. If my friends all suddenly turned into pizza, I would eat them all with no remorse. If my house turned into pizza, I'd be homeless. Back in February I managed to style an outfit around some pizza slice accessories and there is literally a pizza in my oven right now, that's how dedicated I am to the cause. 

Whilst sifting through my inbox the other day, one particular email titled "Pizza Box Exhibition" caught my attention. It was from Hungry House, evidently I'd ordered pizza using their website previously, and my interest was piqued. Obviously the show would be a great feast for my eyes (lol) so I rounded up the scallywags last night and took a trip down to the Old Truman Brewery.  The exhibition is free and will be on until this Sunday but luckily for those who won't be able to make it, here's a few photos of my favourites.

The woman in top-centre isn't impressed by the lack of toppings

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Unpaid Work Curse

There has recently been a lot of talk both online and offline about the ethics surrounding unpaid internships and as somebody who has been a social media intern twice and was unfairly shoehorned into a third, I thought I'd share my thoughts on the matter.

Obviously when you're working within the creative industries it is really helpful if you have relevant work experience in your chosen field, but it's just not cool when companies use this knowledge to treat young people unreasonably. If you're considering taking on an internship then I'd advise you to think very carefully about whether you can afford to and not just financially, often you'll find that you're expected to spend a lot of your evenings and weekends working on particular things.

Living in London is already super strenuous when you haven't found your feet yet, luckily for me I had my parents to fall back on when times got tough but many people aren't so privileged. Unpaid internships are basically only feasible if you're from fairly well-off background which means that those who aren't often can't get the experience they need to fulfil their career goals which is extremely disheartening. Additionally you can't apply for Jobseekers Allowance or any government funding if you take on an internship, which is something that desperately needs to change.

A lot of people are under the assumption that becoming an intern will lead to a permanent position and this unfortunately is rarely the case. Often companies keep replacing interns just because it's an easy way to get the work done without actually paying anybody, which in my opinion is disgusting and lazy, especially when concerning social media. It makes little sense to have the least trained person in the office to have control over the social channels - when that is often the only thing that potential customers and collaborators see from certain businesses. One simple spelling mistake, link error or even content that's slightly off-tone can leave followers feeling confused.

My first internship was at a screen printing place called 3rd Rail, the second was at Vice and both were rewarding and gave me an insight into what it would be like to do social media work with both small and large companies. After these I tried to find a full-time paid job in my chosen discipline and noticed that entry level paid positions in social media practically didn't exist, yet internships were absolutely everywhere. It made me question what the point was in doing the experience in the first place if there was never going to be a job there afterwards, but then I received an email.

The email was from a fashion brand called The Whitepepper and they were writing to tell me that they'd received my email application and that I'd got myself an interview. In my initial email I specifically mentioned that I would not be able to support myself if the position was unpaid yet at the interview they requested that I'd undergo a one month trial and not even my expenses would be paid.

Over this month I took no days off, never fell behind on my work, would often do work that wasn't specific to the job specifications and even bought in a live rabbit for one of their photo-shoots. My friends barely ever saw me and my freelance creative work suffered because I was spending the majority of my time at the company and had spent all my money on travel to and from the office - some days I couldn't even afford food but I thought it'd all be worth it when the trial was over.

At the start of the second month I was called in for a meeting, my hopes were high as I knew I'd performed my best and delivered some quality ideas. They'd never given me any negative feedback previous to this meeting so I was certain that they would give me the paid role. In the meeting they gave me loads of positive feedback and enthused that I was capable of being their social media coordinator but asked if they could extend the unpaid internship another month. Then they started requesting that I'd take days off so that they could have other people in for trial days and that's when I knew that there was never a job for me in the first place and that I'd been deceived.

My younger sister, knowing that I didn't have a penny to my name, suggested that I'd see her friend about a job designing flyers for his club in central London. We organised an afternoon where I could go in for an interview and I even went into The Whitepepper office that morning to make sure I'd definitely got all the posts covered for that day and actually managed to do enough work to make sure all the social media was covered well into the next day. When I'd arrived home from the interview I had an email sitting in my inbox from Jade the managing director that read "we're very sorry to inform you that we will have to terminate your internship today as we don't see much reliability and commitment to work from you. You don't need to come in from tomorrow". Confused, I responded asking what it was that I'd done wrong and whether I could come in and collect my things -  surely it couldn't have been because I'd taken the afternoon off to go to an interview when they'd kept me there for a month and a bit for nothing in return? She never responded and the next morning I snook in before work hours to grab a couple of my belongings back.

Looking back I wish I'd never let myself get strung along like that but I was so desperate for a job in fashion socials that I'd clung onto this last shred of hope. Hopefully talking about my  this helped those who are thinking about taking on an internship but obviously these are just my opinions and experiences and it will be different for you.

  I've been getting a lot of emails from companies expecting me to create content for them for free so I'd just like to make a note that I no longer take on unpaid work unless it benefits me in some way. Exposure is not a benefit, I can't buy a meal with exposure. If you'd like to offer me a paid opportunity, or you're a blogger who wants to collaborate, or you have something in mind that you think I'd be genuinely interested in, or even if you want to talk to me about this post - feel free to shoot me an email: 

My blog isn't usually this serious or wordy, regular posts will resume shortly. Additionally, never work for Bitchy Online (who also don't pay).

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Polyester Magazine Launch Night

The mag istself!
Whilst the werewolves were running amok on the night of the supermoon, London's babeliest creatives were making their way down to Doomed Gallery in Dalston to celebrate the launch of Polyester Magazine.

On entry I was handed a sangria with a pineapple cocktail straw and whilst happily sippping I noticed that the majority of my Tumblr dashboard were there which was simultaneously really strange and really exciting. Despite queueing forever, I never got my free nail makeover but I did have loads of fun listening to Cheyenne Davide's DJ set and mingling with friends old and new. Overall it was a fab night and I would like to express my thanks to Ione Gamble and everyone who made it possible!

We look like a girl band or extras from The Tribe
Met this lovely lady!
A couple of pictures of me with my work :)
Prints of both drawings displayed at the launch are available to buy from my Society6 page.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

LondonEdge Blogger Meet-Up

Whilst many were shaking off their hangovers last Sunday, bloggers from all over the country - and some from even further afield - made their way to Angel to begin their LondonEdge adventure. As someone who used to nearly solely shop from Grindstore as a young teen, I set off feeling overly excited at the thought of soon being surrounded by cool alternative garms, a feeling which only intensified as the day progressed. 

It was pretty great meeting and spending the day with so many friendly and like-minded individuals and I'm super excited for some inevitable future collaborations with both bloggers and brands. Also a massive thank you to my friend Isabella for inviting me and taking the occasional silly photo of me frantically trying on clothes and befriending mannequins. Here are some pictures I managed to get in between running around like a kid in a sweet shop - I seemed to mostly be drawn to fluffy coats, eyeballs and unicorns*.

Cyberdog and Iron Fist just know
Indestructible shopping bags, matching Winter coats, Killstar model hangs and my new mannequin mate.
On point colour co-ordination from Susan Dollparts
(Some of) the Gang
Meth performing at the afterparty @ Proud Camden

*My Little Ponies aren't unicorns but whatevs 

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Little Monster

AAAARRRRRRRRGHHHHHH!!!! I honestly can't believe I've managed to keep my identity as a real life monster a secret for this long - so here it is, here's some outtakes of the evidence. This was genuinely probably the most fun shoot I've worked on so far! :)

Styling by Rie Williams
Photography by Lou Rogers

Photographic evidence that monsters exist and can transform into real life human girls.
That jacket is actually my real face, the head on top is a decoy.
That green fluffy horned hat is a beautiful specimen and should be framed or put on a pedastal somewhere.
Sweet, coy and derp!
An alien passport perhaps?
Additionally to this I'm also working alongside Polyester Zine as a regular illustrator (check out the drawings I created for the 'Fuck Up the Fun' article). I'll also be exhibiting some previously unseen work at their launch party at Doomed Gallery on the 9th September - don't forget to RSVP the event here! 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

May Wishlist

So many clothes that I've been seeing online recently have somehow made it into my regular thought pattern so I thought I'd compile a list of the stuff I've been daydreaming about. It's my 22nd Birthday next month so hopefully I'll be able to bat my eyelashes a bit and get at least one of these things:

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Style Icon: Baddie Winkle

Baddie Winkle is a smoking, twerking, tie-dye clad granny and not only is she my latest style icon but she's also my new role model - fingers crossed I'm that badass and hilarious when I'm her age. 

Baddie has the sassy attitude and the dress-sense of a teen Tumblr girl, which is probably due to the whole shebang being instigated by her granddaughter who features as the "other voice" in many of her Vines and selfies. Even if this is all a charade, Baddie is a super good sport for playing along and shows that even older generations look amazing wearing current trends. After posting this I'm going to text my sister and organise various UNIF t-shirts to be delivered to our grandparents. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Secret 7"

That  badger one in the middle is nice.
If you're a fan of pretty pictures and good music then I don't know why you haven't visited the Secret 7" exhibition. A whole bunch of artists have designed their own record sleeve and they were all on display last weekend at Mother in Shoreditch. They will all be on sale for £45 each on Record Store Day this coming Saturday.

I'm usually the sort of person who goes round a gallery saying annoying things to my friend like "that one looks like you if you were part cheesewheel" or "my dog could draw that and I don't have a dog" but I enjoyed myself so much that I barely said anything, a rare occasion indeed. Although I was jumping up and down in front of a holographic picture of a mouth for a very long time before I noticed people were giving me funny looks. 

Anyway, here are some of my favourites from the show.

Big eye pillar man with two tentacles. 
Pretty sure Hattie Stewart did this one.
Totally radical pyramid dude, like woah.
A portal to another dimension, probably.
Me and my friends on a Saturday night.
The Queen on acid.
Pretty pyramid
Computer virus trampoline.
Rex from Toy Story + a blow up sex doll head = my new favourite thing.
Holidays in space.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Your Guide to Mermaid Hair

The coloured hair trend seems to really have boomed in the past couple of years and as someone who has had every hair colour under the sun (bar yellow, but soon my child, soon I will have the locks of Angelica Pickles), I've been asked a lot of questions and thought it'd be helpful to write down nearly everything I know in one big giant blog post. So here are ten tips to becoming a fully-fledged mermaid and achieving the hair of your dreams:

1.    Bleach is an integral part of creating bright crazy coloured hair as it essentially turns your hair into a blank canvas. This sounds fairly obvious but do not use household bleach on your hair! You need bleach specifically for use on hair or you risk burning it completely off. When possible try and get your hair done professionally, especially if this is the first time bleaching your hair. You don’t want to accidentally leave it on for too long and have your hair break off.

2.    If you’ve previously bleached your hair and are touching up the roots – try and avoid overlapping where you’ve previously bleached as this will create a weak point in the hair and could lead to damage.

3.    If you’re trying to bleach out a yellow tone or make your hair lighter after a previous bleaching session, please alternatively use a white or silver toner as this won’t damage your and will alleviate brassy tones.
 4.    The semi-permanent coloured dye that you’re likely to buy is essentially a deep conditioner and really nourishes the hair. The container will probably recommend leaving it on for around fifteen minutes but don’t be afraid to leave it on for longer. Brands I’d recommend are Directions, Crazy Colour and the new products from Bleach London. It’s also important to note that although they are semi-permanent dyes, they can often leave a stain behind once they’ve faded out.

5.    Remember in primary school when you were taught the colour wheel? The same rules apply to hair colour. If you can’t find a shade of green you want, you can always mix a yellow and blue together. Try testing it on a tiny section of hair beforehand, as the colour you see in the mixing bowl won’t necessarily be exactly the colour you’ll end up with. The colour wheel also applies for dying over your current colour, e.g. if you have blue hair and dye over it in pink it’s more likely to turn a purple shade.

6.    If you don’t want brightly coloured hair and would prefer a pastel tone – mix a tiny drop of coloured dye in with a large amount of conditioner. Mixing your dye into your conditioner bottle is also a great way to maintain brightly coloured hair as it gives it an extra boost during your regular hair wash routine.

7.    Try and avoid any unnecessary stress to your hair. Even little things like being out in the sun too long or having your hair up in a bobble too tight can stress your hair out but really heat is the main culprit for causing damage. Try to cut out using straighteners and curling irons as much as you can, if not altogether. Also avoid using your hair dryer, especially on a high heat. Even prolonged showers on a hot temperature can be bad news so try investing in a shower cap. Rinsing your hair with cold water at the end of the wash locks in the proteins from your conditioner and makes your hair shiny.

8.    Deep conditioner, coconut oil and satin are your new friends. Try to use deep conditioner at least once a week to stop your hair from feeling like straw. If you have a day where you’re not leaving the house, have a go at using coconut oil as a hair masque – it works wonders. Sleeping with it in helps a lot too but that can get quite messy. If your pillowcases are made from a cheap material it’s likely that your hair will become agitated and brittle when you move about in your sleep. A silk pillowcase or a silk cap costs only a few pounds from Amazon including postage and will be so worth it in the long run.

9.    You probably thought that your diet would have no effect on your hair whatsoever. This is completely false, the phrase “you are what you eat” clearly didn’t sprout from nowhere. Iron and vitamin B complex are good for maintaining healthy hair so either invest in some vitamin supplements or start eating more leafy greens.

10.  If in doubt, just use hair chalks. Again these would only work on light or pre-lightened hair.They’re pretty cheap and easy to wash out, you could even have a different hair colour every day if you wanted. You could be the human embodiment of a rainbow! 

If you have any tips on dying your hair or maintaining healthy hair - do leave a comment with what you find helpful.


Thursday, April 10, 2014

The White Pepper

Just letting you guys know that the reason I haven't been posting as frequently these past couple of weeks is because I'm currently two weeks into my a month long probation period at THE WHITEPEPPER. 

It's pretty fun - my day to day tasks include running the socials, styling sets in Polyvore and creating gifs and promotional graphics. I also get to write weekly blog posts on the hip-happening (lol) places to go at the weekend. 

They recently just launched the new Summer collection which I helped source some props for. All the photos including in this post contains something from my bedroom - including Zebedee the bunny I've been looking after. She was surprisingly well behaved on set and I wish she could come into work with me every day. The shoot was obviously heavily influenced by Alice in Wonderland.

Keep an eye out on the socials (the username is usually thewhitepepper) as they'll be announcing a sample sale within the next week or so - it will be a great chance to grab a cute bargain.