Thursday, November 28, 2013

As Punk as You Can Be Whilst Surrounded By Soap

Punk pals: my flatmate Tom, and my friend Ariana who works at LUSH.
As someone who enjoys baths and likes to buy good quality products that are cruelty free, I've always turned to LUSH for cosmetics and gifts. To celebrate the launch of Vivienne Westwood's line of eco-friendly scarves made in conjunction with the brand, the Regent Street branch threw a Punk Day. Or, as I'd like to call it, As-Punk-As-You-Can-Be-Whilst-Surrounded-By-Soap-Day.

Very squishy shower jellies!
I want everything in my life to smell like Snow Fairy.
These deformed penguins are bath bombs! Felt sorry for the one in the pic by itself, he had no beak and looked sad.
I dunno who this guy was, apparently he was in some indie band in the mid-naughties. Definitely wasn't punk but seemed nice enough, he gave me a mince pie. Unsure whether I like mince pies.
From the picture above, you can sort of make out a couple of the Vivienne Westwood scarves on the right of the guitar-man. The guitar-man, as you can tell, is not punk at all. In fact, the only punk thing about the day was the Sex Pistols poster behind him that had the word 'bollocks' censored, which in itself is a not very punk thing to do.  Despite this, I had a good couple of hours of fun and the shop smelt really tasty. 

Some of the goodies I took home with me, notice I adopted the sad penguin.
Also we got given goodie bags so expect some product reviews in the near future. 

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