Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Slacking Off

Front window display featuring two illuminated side-portraits
On the walk back home from my slack-free internship yesterday, I stopped off at the Old Truman Brewery to ogle at Stevie Gee's motorbike-inspired solo show. His drawing style is fun and I love his use of colour, but my personal favourite was the customised actual-real-life motorbike illustrated with a cat-head on the most perfect gradient I've ever seen. If I ever have a mid-life crisis, it's the bike I'm going to get. 

Gift shop featuring prints, tees, beanies, patches and zines. The cat shirt was so good! 

Sophie checking out some artwork
Framed screen-prints
If reincarnation is a thing I want to come back as this bike because it's the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life
Could someone please get me the pink helmet? I promise to wear it all the time, even to the supermarket or in the shower.
Mr. Gee was there himself, he gave us these stickers and wrote his website on the back in pencil.
Shouts to Nick for alerting us to this show on his instagram. 

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