Thursday, January 9, 2014

Bill+Mar-vellous = Roundup

Lurking down alleyways in a Bill+Mar shirt dress
As promised - here are more images from my collaboration with Bill+Mar - you can buy the main pieces that I'm wearing from their shop. These aren't all the images, there were so many good or funny ones that'd it'd take forever to edit and post them all. Saying that, some of these images are completely unedited. If you want to see more - keep an eye out on the Bill+Mar social media channels. 

Photography by Anna Yeung, styling and everything else by me. 

Glaring at you from their homepage
Wearing the Bill+Mar 'Little Star' shift dress
I was looking for a used spraycan
Being sniffed by a fox in the 'Little Star' shift dress
In my house wearing the Bill + Mar velvet playsuit
On Brick Lane wearing the Bill+Mar 'In The Sky' shirt dress
Digging in rubble
Posing in front of a shop shutter wearing the Bill + Mar 'In The Sky' shirt dress
I love the how the colours from the jacket fade perfectly into the skirt
Deluxe Crisis in a Bill+Mar marble midi skirt
Bonus pic of Anna taking a photo of me taking a photo of her

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