Saturday, March 1, 2014

Lazy Oaf Store Reopening

I thought taking photos would make the queue go quicker.
Queueing isn't really anyone's favourite thing to be doing on a weeknight - or ever- but when the new Lazy Oaf garms are at the other end along with goodie bags and complimentary prosecco I'm not going to complain.
Picture nabbed from the Lazy Oaf instagram.
This was the dress my heart was set on grabbing at the launch but it turns out that 1, it's actually a top and skirt set and 2, it's not being stocked until Summer. I probably should've emailed ahead and asked before becoming obsessed with it and planning shoots around it in my head. Pretty sure that's not normal behaviour. 

Look how cool everything is!
This sheer jacket is nice.
Anna luvs clothes 4eva
Shouts to my friend Anna - she's the junior print designer at Bill + Mar who recently got their designs stocked in the Oxford Street Topshop. She has worked very hard and I'm very proud of her. I bumped into her at the tube station and convinced her to come along with us. 

Dat hat
Friendly chap
As always, the prints were friendly and fun - I especially liked this happy chap. I love how the bold black lines contrast against the bright materials.

Nerd alert
Here I am - looking like a twelve year old on school picture day on the Lazy Oaf stairs. School photos would be a godzillion times better if the backdrops were this cool.

Telecommunication device wraps and foot sacks
Unfortunately "never for money" seems to be the phrase I constantly tell my Mum whenever she asks how much I'm getting paid for my creative endeavours. She isn't pleased. Also kudos to anyone who manages to have a food related iPhone case without feeling constantly peckish.

After battling our way out of the crowd we decided to grab some Korean food at BiBimBap, play Lords of War at Loading Bar and obsess over Miley. 

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